Location,TX 75035,USA

I can be both

I can be both

Serious with a comicality as bold as my darkest lipstick

I can be feminine but rough and even rowdier

A comfortably composed hot mess

I can be both.

I can be healing in some ways while sliding back in others

Confident while questioning my  image

Apprehensively brazen with a soft physicality

I can be both.

I can be tougher than my turmoil and I can be convinced it’s tougher than me

I can be heavy with bitter resentment gift myself forgiveness

I can swim in the deep satiety of love and I can light up a lava ridden furry

I can be both.

I can “not give a damn” but still worry about others opinions

be cunning with my words then I can choke on each syllable

dampen my cheeks with a river and then light them up with an indescribable luminance

I can be both without being defined by either or any.

I can be both, because even when the pictures were black and white, the world wasn’t.

I can be both because I was painted with a dancing brush, leaving a myriad of colors dripping off the edge of my canvas. I can be both because I am of raw, lucid duality.

I can be both because I can be.



Emma Butterfield Administrator
•Portland based ecstatic dancer and yogi with a quirky sense of humor who loves the outdoors most of the time • Creative Nonfiction and Poetry• Healing backwards and forwards in time• ~My writing is something I pour my heart and energy into. Please keep this in mind and do not share without asking permission.~
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