Location,TX 75035,USA



I was going to watch in awe as you transformed from a small, delicate little snake into a gentle giant almost as tall as me. I was ready to watch you grow, to support your well being and development. It would’ve been such a journey to see your metamorphosis Cherry, and I was ready to be there for the whole ride. 

I remember when I first got you from Tropical Hut and you squirmed around in my palm, probably wondering what sort of creature had gotten a hold of you. Scared, feeling helpless and vulnerable. I noticed how over time how you seemed to like being held, to feel at ease in my warm, loving hands and to just lay there with me while I watched Netflix. The first night we did that together I was laughing hysterically at the show New Girl and you just sat there peacefully, not even slightly disturbed by the loud laughter coming from the large human that was holding you. It’s almost like you were in a meditative state- just like you made me feel. You comforted me when I was upset about my trauma, your smooth, gentle body seemingly massaging my palms, complete bliss ensuing. Everything came so naturally with you and you were such an easygoing, sweet soul that even Danny who was previously scared of snakes had begun to love. 

One of my favorite memories with you was when you stuck your cute, little tongue out and gave me a kiss as I was admiring your gorgeous red skin. I also really loved watching you enjoy slithering in and out of the holes in my laundry basket, hanging from them in complete contentment as I folded my freshly cleaned laundry.

 I don’t think I’ve cried so hard since I lost my dog Mac and although I knew the day would come when that would happen again, I didn’t forsee it coming so soon, with you. You lived a mere month but it was a month that filled mine with smiles, comfort, and joy. Although there’s not a reason for everything happening, and I really wish you wouldn’t have gone so soon, I am trying to think of something meaningful that has come out of your passing. I am so scared of death and losing those close to me. The only positive aspect that I can think of that has come out of your death is my heightened ability to see death and loss as a natural occurring part of life, and to grow more and more comfortable with the process of grieving. 

Although I hate to even think of this, and it hasn’t come yet, the day will eventually come where I lose a human close to me and maybe, just maybe, witnessing your passing has allowed me to better process my emotions when faced with loss and move forward with living the best possible life I can without the loved one I’ve lost. I am still so incredibly sad that you had to leave this world but I know that you are in a better place now and although it wasn’t long, I am eternally grateful for the time we have spent together. I hope that snake heaven has lots of plump mice, fun branches to slither on, and fresh water to slurp up. And who knows, maybe you’ll befriend Mac up there too.

Emma Butterfield Administrator
•Portland based ecstatic dancer and yogi with a quirky sense of humor who loves the outdoors most of the time • Creative Nonfiction and Poetry• Healing backwards and forwards in time• ~My writing is something I pour my heart and energy into. Please keep this in mind and do not share without asking permission.~
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