Location,TX 75035,USA



I looked where the damp, chocolatey soil nourishes the towering


grand firs

where the homey air 

feels like his hugs. 

where the wind whispers 

to the slithering streams

Where the melody of the birds 

can be heard over the soft rumble of the city cars, 

the beep-beeps 

of those commuting home 

from their 9-5, 

and even the purring vocals

 of nearby pedestrians.

and I found 

some of my pieces there. 

I looked on the dance floor 

where the swirling hips, 

the coos, 

and the melodious beat 


to create the most precious sanctuary. 

Where saltwater cascades 

from grateful cheeks 

and dark chocolate covered 

cherries satiate thankful tummies

and I found 

some of my pieces there. 

I looked at the local craft store 

where I lose myself 

 in a sea of possible creations, 

bold hues, 

and miscellaneous goodies 

and I found 

some of my pieces there.

I looked to him 


tender kindness 

rose ridden

lips like silk 

to bare skin 


with infectious laughter

a delicate embrace 

frothy homemade chai

blissful park bound strolls 

collaging with instrumental tunes


letting my heart be naked 

and I found

 some of my pieces there.

I looked in the reprieve of the words

my soul in written form,

my heart flowing onto 

crisp wispy white 

and found some of my pieces there.

I looked to the asanas

vibrancy flowing 

through achey limbs

nourishing, full breaths 

like supper when you’re starving

and found some of my pieces there.

I looked to the spontaneous 

concrete jungle adventures 

phone catch ups 

as the moon ascends  

and priceless moments 

spent chasing the sunlight 

amongst amber and emerald colored bliss 

and I found some of my pieces there.

I’m still looking 

for the rest of my pieces 

and quite honestly,

I don’t know where else to look 

but what I do know is

that once I find them

this mosaic masterpiece 

will catch the rays of the fiery sun

it will simply glow 

even on the darkest nights

where the sky devours the moon

and the crickets of my past 

can barely be heard in the distance.

Emma Butterfield Administrator
•Portland based ecstatic dancer and yogi with a quirky sense of humor who loves the outdoors most of the time • Creative Nonfiction and Poetry• Healing backwards and forwards in time• ~My writing is something I pour my heart and energy into. Please keep this in mind and do not share without asking permission.~
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