Location,TX 75035,USA

The bath of absence

The bath of absence

The moment I decided this body

was no longer a war zone

was the moment I made space

for the embrace

of the warriors that have been helping me fight

all along.

That’s not to say I don’t still carry the guns,

it’s just that I don’t keep them as loaded.

I now

have the ammunition stored for the moments

where I really need it.




As a survivor, I feel that some

expect me to be “healed” by now



Simply a story

to turn to

when the world claws with wickedness.

But I am not a just a short story with a happy ending,

I am a living, breathing

human being

with dreams that are sometimes nightmares

and days that sometimes feel like daggers

to bare skin.

The healing

is the everyday steps

in the direction of the Sun

and the acceptance of the fact

that this process has only begun.




If you interact with people regularly who do more than praise your art or expression, who furrow their brow and act or speak out of discomfort, you are doing something right.


In expressing your true self you may have people turn away from you. But once you realize you prefer the sight of their back towards you rather than their disapproving face, that you deserve admiration and praise in the highest form, you will bathe in the delicacy of their absence.


Sometimes the people 

who have been treated

the most poorly in the past 

have the most to give. 

Open your arms to what they have to offer 

but don’t forget to remind them to open theirs. 


Being gay 

half gay 

half straight- 


you want to call it 

doesn’t change anything 

about how I give to the world

and how I reap the benefits 

of all it has to offer. 

I am the same species

as those who only like the opposite 


Why do some people act 

like this isn’t the case?

We all live off the water

from the same Earth,

walk its streets, 

explore its beaches. 

Why is something as trivial as 

who a person likes to kiss, 


or be intimate with 

such a deal breaker for some

when there are children being held 

in concentration camps, 

people being shot up in schools, 

and an Earth that all living beings

depend on 

ripping at its seams? 

let’s try changing this instead of even thinking about asking gay people to change.

And when it all comes down to it,

yes, I have extreme anger for what he did 

and there are times I wish I could pay him back.

But I don’t wish bad things upon him, 

you won’t find me with a voodoo doll 

representing his body.

I wouldn’t do such a thing to a mass murderer.

I just wish he would realize 

all the time he took from me 

and that he would spend 

the same amount of time 

wishing he hadn’t 

done what he did. 

working on his psyche:

getting therapy, 

deeply considering 

his actions

and the ways

in which he interacts with women and


so that doing it again to someone 


just wouldn’t be an option for him. 

better than prison. 

There are so many choices in life. 

Above all else, make sure you choose yourself.

I write poetry to feed

myself and others. 

If it nourishes you, 


take seconds, 


or even more. 

If you don’t like the food, 

quit sitting at the table.

At the end of the day, I am truly a little girl at heart. I like to swing, eat gummy bears, and am deeply considering coloring my hair a purplish hue. I have managed to stay supple and soft even though life has thrown very sharp daggers at me. If that isn’t a victory I don’t know what is. 

Your brain needs food just like your body does. Just like you need many different nutrients to support a healthy body, a healthy mind thrives off of variety. Vary the literature you consume, the types of games you play, how and what you write about. Brain food comes in many different shapes, colors, and sizes. Consume the whole rainbow and the clouds that support it. 

and watch as your mind blooms colorfully




…to be continued. 



Emma Butterfield Administrator
•Portland based ecstatic dancer and yogi with a quirky sense of humor who loves the outdoors most of the time • Creative Nonfiction and Poetry• Healing backwards and forwards in time• ~My writing is something I pour my heart and energy into. Please keep this in mind and do not share without asking permission.~
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