Tidal waves
Her hips, like waves to the tide, swayed gracefully as the melodious music streamed throughout the ecstatic dance studio. The amber twinkle of her eyes caught mine as she moved mountains with the flow of her arms, her fingertips painting a masterpiece in the surrounding air. The purple-hued light reflected off her chocolate tresses perfectly as the warmth of her cheek-to-cheek smile radiated throughout the room.
Nothing came more naturally than the ebb and flow of my torso to the purring vocals of the featured singer. There was a nagging longing feeling burrowed deep in the pit of my chest to intertwine our dance that night. At that moment something became screamingly clear to me: there was something more than her friendly smile that drew me to her that night. There was something that had been blooming within me for years- I just had never taken the time to water it. Not only that, but I had been uprooting it as if it were a weed for way too long. Metaphors and similes aside, there was a gravitational force inside of me that wouldn’t keep quiet. At the time I was not ready to act on it so instead I weaved the feeling into my dance for the rest of the evening. My hips were water, my fingertips dripped gold, and it felt like my toes were touching the surface of the moon. I was, quite literally, ecstatic to have stumbled upon this fateful discovery. I probably don’t need to spell it out at this point but let’s just say it was clear to me that I was attracted to women in addition to men. There was a certain lightness in the air, an airy feeling that bloomed throughout my being. I felt new, free, and like something that had been missing from my life for so long had finally made an appearance. Now, I weave that feeling into my dance weekly and am starting to accept it as a part of myself.