Location,TX 75035,USA

Month: September 2019

If he thought twice

Maybe I wouldn’t have spent so many nights aching in my center, the spot on the female body where he came from but takes for granted and used like its meant to shrivel up. He reached for my petals the moment they were most tender and plucked them off devouring them like they were simply…
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What do you do for a living?

they ask me, as if it’s the all-defining aspect of my being. Why not: What would your soul look like if you removed its mask? What is the first thing you think about in the morning and the last before your eyes flutter closed to rest? What demons do you dance with and what are…
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What I am not

I am not a landing strip to rest your plane at before you take off to your destination I am the places you call home I am your feet in the warm sand I am the Sun kissing the spine of your back. I am not the exquisite exhibit I am the whole museum the…
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There’s something about you

that keeps me coming back for more, each time the Sun dances into the sky or the moon crosses paths with the clouds. who am I kidding, it’s a million different things all wrapped into a cocoon of comfort and charm. the way your lips curl up, nestling your cheeks when contentment graces your being.…
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The way the wind whistles to the trees

on those first few days at the beginning of September takes my breath away. there’s something about the time when the taste of those Summer nights still lingers on your tongue but the crisp embrace of Fall and all its delicacies is within arms reach. when you have to turn the swings over in order…
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Falling up

As I fall up,I dance through the uncertainty, the joy, the pain, and the unknown. Every remembrance of past struggles, encounters, and experiences feels like a dark cloud that is slowly getting less dense, still lingering over my head but struggling to stay afloat as the clear sky slowly moves in. All the laughter, passion,…
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Give me the sea

all I need “on the rocks” is the the salty tide what’s meant to flow  throughout each vein what each inch of me craves  after plummeting the slopes or dancing in the cool Fall breeze what flows down my cheeks  when my soul speaks.  whether with  a sulky frown or a vibrating grin.  for all…
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The Earth is dancing poetry collection

Believe me when I tell you the Earth is dancing  at your toes. so step into her current. let her take you there. . I want to be outrageous  sharp edged  and earth colored. . they say emotions come in waves  the good, the bad, and the in between  for me they’re more like tsunamis …
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